• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maitesantiz886
  • hace 6 años

resumen de justicia en inglés
con 8 lineas ​


Respuesta dada por: platajisus


Justice is a universal principle that governs the application of law to ensure that the truth is acted upon by giving each one what is due.

Justice is an ethical concept that has different definitions and that in turn is subjective. For each person, justice means something different, but as a general definition it is to act with objectivity, truth and equality, granting what each one deserves.

The set of values ​​that should govern a state of law form justice. The values ​​that make up justice are equity, freedom and equality.

maitesantiz886: gracias
Respuesta dada por: laurenharrisv


Justice depends on the values ​​of a society and the individual beliefs of each person.

The concept has its origin in the Latin term iustitĭa and allows to name the cardinal virtue that supposes the inclination to grant each one what belongs to him or concerns him. Justice can be understood as what must be done according to what is reasonable, equitable or what is indicated by law.

On the other hand, justice refers to the Judiciary and the sanctions or penalties.


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