• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: katty325
  • hace 5 años

.Sustituya el nombre por el pronombre o el pronombre por el nombre,

y reescriba la oración.

1. Children and adult people take an active part in saving our planet

2. Catalina and I care for our environment

3. Domestic rubbish is very easy to recycle

4. She throws away the garbage on the floor

5. He reuses broken glass to make new products.


Respuesta dada por: melissazerep10


they are take an active part in saving our planet

we are care for our environment

it is very easy to recycle


alexamontoya260: loa otroa
melissazerep10: 4. catalina throws away the garbage on the floor
melissazerep10: 5. marcos reuses broken glass to make new products.
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