• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rosaadrianariv57
  • hace 6 años

15 abitos alimentos en ingles plissssssssss​

Clocwork12: :>


Respuesta dada por: Clocwork12


1.  Always eat a substantial breakfast, including eggs, whole grain bread, milk, oatmeal.    

2.  Eat at least two fruits and vegetables each day.    

3.  Sit down to eat; it makes you eat more slowly and probably less food.    

4.  Always take with you a protein snack that you can eat instead eating high-fat food on the your way    

5.  At the lunch time eat healthy portion sizes of food; remember a plate of good food is not necessarily the plate of biggest size.    

6.  Drink a cup of green tea after every meal, because this is a good antioxidant.    

7.  Water, water and water; drink two or more liters of water a day instead of juice or soft drinks.    

8.  Choose wholegrain bread and breakfast cereal    

9.  Try to eat carbohydrates and proteins at the same time    

10. Healthy shopping, make a shopping list considering only healthy options for the week  


Espero te sirva

Me faltaron 5 UnU

Respuesta dada por: shirleyturbina002


1-Don't eat whenever you're hungry.

2-Avoid diet drinks.

3-Don't snack after dinner.

4-Eat breakfast, always.

5-Sleep well.

6-Avoid going to the supermarket when you are hungry.

7-Drink water before eating.

8-Diets with more variety of dishes have proven to be more effective than those that standardize your options.

9-Avoid calorie drinks, always.

10- Go for Mediterranean food.

11- Make your snacks high in fiber and protein.

12- Avoid restaurants and make your own lunch.

13- The key is in the portions When a person aims to lose weight he is concentrating on portions.

14- Although it sounds amazing, eat what you enjoy.

15- know your body well.


son algunos habitos alimenticios.

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