• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: stevencalderon306
  • hace 6 años

how can citizens keep their hometown safe?

Vegeta55901K: La seguridad ciudadana es la acción integrada que desarrolla el Estado, con la colaboración ... Tienen atribuciones tanto de prevención, como puede ser el ordenamiento del tráfico, ... en mantener la seguridad ciudadana en situaciones de emergencia, como ... «Inseguridad, violencia y género en la ciudad»
fernandamoralessalam: Citizen security is the integrated action developed by the State, with the collaboration of citizens and other organizations of public interest, aimed at ensuring their peaceful coexistence and development, the eradication of violence, the peaceful and orderly use of roads and public spaces and, in general, avoid the commission of crimes and misdemeanors against people and their property
fernandamoralessalam: Citizen security is understood as the action of the State to protect citizens and ensure their quality of life. In the image a mountain rescue.
In general terms, citizen security should be understood as the set of democratic actions in favor of the security of the inhabitants and their property, and adjusted to the law of each country. In fact, the current challenge is to harmonize the exercise of the human rights of
fernandamoralessalam: each one with the different policies on citizen security of the states. For example, the Organization of American States states that policies that have proven ineffective are sometimes applied, such as increased penalties, reduced procedural guarantees, or measures to apply criminal law to minors; that can lead to paramilitary or para-police movements - "self-defense"
fernandamoralessalam: militias - when the State is not able to react effectively to violence and crime, complicating the situation. [3]
fernandamoralessalam: I hope it helps you


Respuesta dada por: chanpechamalia45



¿Cómo pueden los ciudadanos mantener segura su ciudad natal?


We must have a very good coexistence with our fellow men, be in solidarity with them and have a very good attitude, so that we can live well and with peace.


Debemos tener una muy buena convivencia con nuestros semejantes, ser solidarios con ellos y tener una muy buena actitud, para que podamos vivir bien y con paz.


gabrielcj: Gracias mana me va sa servir mucho
AbadAriana: Gracias❤
cristhel12: graciassss :) :)✨
pmaytesavine: gracias
nievesloor4: gracias :-)
galoalfredocharcopay: thanks
Anónimo: gracias xd UwU
sebastiancollazos97: gracias uwu
ely2002ignacia: gracias we :'v
garcianelly580: gracias
Respuesta dada por: pg4061694



espero que te sirva

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