• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nicolascalderon473
  • hace 6 años

Recetas de desayuno en ingles y español por favoor​


Respuesta dada por: xLuc14x

Es el más simple, un café, un zumo de naranja y unas rebanadas de pan con tomate, aceite de oliva virgen extra y una pizca de sal. Yo me podría alimentar solo a base de esto, y es que pocas cosas hay en la vida mejores que un buen pan con un tomate que sea rico. Una delicia.

It is the simplest, a coffee, an orange juice and some slices of bread with tomato, extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. I could feed myself with this, because there are few things in life better than good bread with a rich tomato. A delicacy.



Respuesta dada por: ELPepe200


Receta de Torta húmeda de chocolate decorada

Wet chocolate cake recipe


3 cups of flour (420 grams)

3 cups of sugar (600 grams)

2½ teaspoons of bicarbonate

1 teaspoon of baking powder or Royal type yeast

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of powdered cinnamon

1½ cups of cocoa or cocoa powder

1½ oil cups

2 cups of milk (480 milliliters)

2 teaspoons white vinegar

2 teaspoons of vanilla essence

4 units of eggs

You may also be interested in: Wet chocolate cake

Steps to follow to make this recipe:


To make this decorated wet chocolate cake, take a large bowl and sift the flour together with the cocoa, baking soda and baking powder. Add two cups of sugar, salt and cinnamon and mix well.

Tip: To make a very spongy wet chocolate cake it is better to sift all the dry ingredients.

Recipe for Wet Decorated Chocolate Cake - Step 1


Separate the whites from the yolks. Add the oil and milk to the previous mixture and mix well. Then, to continue with the preparation of the humid and spongy chocolate cake, add the vinegar and continue beating.

Recipe for Wet Decorated Chocolate Cake - Step 2


Now add the egg yolks and the vanilla essence and continue mixing. Separately, beat the egg whites until stiff with the remaining sugar and incorporate them into the mixture with the help of a spatula, making smooth wrapping movements.

Tip: Snow whites will add even more air to this wet chocolate cake.

Decorated Wet Chocolate Cake Recipe - Step 3


Pour the moist chocolate cake dough into a previously floured and buttered baking tin and bake it at 180 ºC (with the oven preheated) for 50 minutes.

To check that the homemade chocolate cake is ready, prick it with a wooden stick and if it comes out clean it is already well done. If not, we recommend that you check this article of ours to find out why the cake has remained raw.

Wet chocolate cake recipe - Step 4


Remove the wet chocolate cake from the oven, let it cool down on a rack at room temperature and then remove it from the mold. If you want, you can cut the wet chocolate cake in half and fill it with chocolate frosting (or any other flavor you like). Then cover the cake with a homemade ganache and you can enjoy this decorated wet chocolate cake with all the family and friends.

To get an even wetter and fluffier chocolate cake, mix a cup of milk cream with chocolate icing, cocoa and sugar to taste, prick several areas of the wet chocolate cake with the help of pastry syringes (or similar) and cover it with this mixture instead of the ganache. You'll love it!

Wet Chocolate Cake Recipe - Step 5

If you liked the recipe for Wet Chocolate Cake Decoration, we suggest you enter our category of Cake Recipes.

How to make a wet chocolate cake easier

If you prefer to make the recipe for the wet chocolate cake easier just follow the steps up to number 4 and omit number 5, this way you will get an equally spongy and delicious wet chocolate cake, but you will save yourself all the work of making the filling and the coating.

This way you can use the wet chocolate cake as it is or decorate it simply with some birthday candles or a little whipped cream for desserts on any occasion you like.

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