• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Bde
  • hace 5 años

6 . Complete the sentences with some/any.

I want __________ pizza.

He says that he doesn´t need __________ help with his homework.

Would you like __________ fruit?

There is __________ coke in the fridge.

Have you got __________ water?

Could I have __________ salt, please?

I don’t need __________ friends by my side.

They don’t want __________ animals in their new house.

I have __________ letters.

I don’t have __________ money right now.

me ayudas


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


I want some pizza

He says that he doesn´t need any help with his homework

Would you like some fruit?

There is some coke in the fridge

Have you got any water?  

Could I have some salt, please?  

I don’t need any friends by my side.  

They don’t want any animals in their new house.  

I have some letters.  

I don’t have any money right now.


Usa 'some' en oraciones afirmativas, o cuando se pide u ofrece algo

Usa 'any' en oraciones negativas para sustantivos incontables (como milk (leche)) o contables plurales (como friends(amigos))

Respuesta dada por: karensarache76


1. some

2. any

3. some

4. some

5. some

6. some

7. any

8. any

9. some

10. any

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