• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: karlanelo
  • hace 5 años

5 pregunta con who y el whet​


Respuesta dada por: iramgerardofrancisco


hay te va


who are you?

who is that person?

who is going to bring the food?

who is this man?

who is your girlfriend? 7u7 XD

what are you doing?

what was that person going to do?

what where you planning to do?

what are your plans?

what where you doing last night?

Respuesta dada por: stanitzy

con who.

1: ¿who are you?

2: ¿who take you to the library?

3: ¿who is your best friend?

4: ¿who is this person?

5: ¿who is Kyle?

con when. (creo que lo escribiste mal)

1. ¿when is the concert?

2. ¿when do you start work?

3. ¿when are you going on holiday?

4. ¿when is the meeting?

5. ¿when is the party?

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