4. Collect all monthly bills including waters
Electricity's Grocery" etc and make a
monthly expenses Statement of your family
C Neatly in a A-4 haber)​

conejobonito97: ok
conejobonito97: where do u from?
lataholkar24: What is Name
conejobonito97: what?
lataholkar24: I love you
conejobonito97: uhmm
conejobonito97: why are saying that? xd
lataholkar24: love
conejobonito97: are u*
conejobonito97: what the hell xd


Respuesta dada por: katherincari03


gracias por los puntos gringo

conejobonito97: jjajaja xd
katherincari03: XD
conejobonito97: esta respuesta me hizo el dia ajjaja
katherincari03: denada
katherincari03: lol
katherincari03: sos descubridor
conejobonito97: uhm supongo ejej :)
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