• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Ilovefortnite
  • hace 5 años

What I ate yesterday
“Student´s Book - page 68”

Laura Bailey - Model

Breakfast: I never miss breakfast! I had some cereal and fruit, and a piece of toast. I'm a bit unusual because I have tea and coffee in the morning. I don't mind in which order, but I need to have both

Lunch: I was at my studio all day, so I got takeaway vegetarian sushi from a restaurant called Itsu. I became a vegetarian 20 years ago and now I can't imagine living any other way.

Dinner: I picked up my children from school and we had a snack - cheese and biscuits. In the evening I went to my favorite pizzeria, and I had a vegetarian pasta dish, and two glasses of white wine.

James deGale - Boxer

Breakfast: I woke up and went running for an hour and a half, then I came home and had a cup of tea and some porridge. Then I went to the gym and trained.

Lunch: I had a bowl of pasta with chorizo and bacon in tomato sauce with cheese on top, and an apple and an orange. I have an important fight soon, so my diet has to be very strict now. Three meals a day, and no snacks.

Dinner: I had a grilled chicken breast and vegetables - mushrooms, sweetcorn and tomatoes. My mum made it - she's a fantastic cook.

Lionel Shriver - Writer

Breakfast: I had an enormous cup of espresso coffee with some milk and a little cream. It's all that I need and gives me energy for the whole day.

Lunch: I don't eat lunch. I don't understand people who can eat three meals a day. How do they find the time to do anything else?

Dinner: First I had a glass of sherry and a bowl of popcorn. Then I had grilled fish with some brown rice and vegetables - peppers and onions. For dessert I had a piece of chocolate cake. I drank red wine.

Reading Activity: C – page 68

Read the articles again. Answer the questions with M (the model), B (the boxer), or W (the writer). Who...?

1. doesn't like eating during the day.
2. doesn't eat anything between meals
3. didn't have any home-cooked food for lunch or dinner.
4. had fruit for dessert at lunchtime.
5. never eats meat.
6. didn't drink any alcohol yesterday.
7. had a drink and a snack before dinner.
8. doesn't eat anything for breakfast.
9. has a strange breakfast habit.


Respuesta dada por: 567danielabarbosa


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