• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 19keirymorataya
  • hace 6 años

wish + simple present conversation ​


Respuesta dada por: albaniemilse


Renata: Good morning everyone, I’m Renata and I’m from Brazil. Where do you come from?

Gina: Hello. I’m Gina and I live in Colombia. I usually come here to Texas every summer.

Nick: Hey, I’m Nick and I’m American. Welcome to the summer camp. I’m the General Counselor. Let me tell you that we generally start the day with a music activity.

Renata: I like that because I sing and play the drums.

Nick: Do you have a band?

Renata. Yes, I have a music band in São Paulo. I suppose that children here also play instruments.

Nick: Yeah, some of them do. Do you play any instrument, Gina?

Gina: No, I only dance.  I wish to learn play the violin

Nick: really? i can help you.

Gina: omg thank you so much, that´s my dream.

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