2 CHECK. Read each statement. Circle T for true or F for false.
1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing.
2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective.
3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews.
4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews.
5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review.
6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable.
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing. / FALSE
2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective./TRUE
3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews. /TRUE
4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews./TRUE
5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review./ TRUE
6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable./FALSE
2 CHECK. Read each statement. Circle T for true or F for false.
- 1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing. / FALSE
- 2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective./TRUE
- 3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews. /TRUE
- 4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews./TRUE
- 5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review./ TRUE
- 6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable./FALSE
Inicio del Inglés
El idioma de inglés es una lengua que surgió en el territorio del Reino Anglosajón de Inglaterra, cuyo origen es germánico occidental y perteneciente a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Este idioma, a pesar del territorio donde surgió, se extendió hacia el Norte, en el sudeste de Escocia.
Para aprender más sobre gramática en inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/14065327