1-Look, I am going to a great halloween party.
2-Oh, speaking of halloween, are you dressing up this year?
3-It's an Evite to our halloween party.
4-Used to go to that store every halloween.
5-Yes, but anything can happen on halloween.
6-Sorry you missed your son's first halloween.
"Trick or Treat"
Dulce o Truco
"Night has just come and all spirits will come from afterlife to dance with us"
La noche acaba de llegar y todos los espíritus vienen del más allá a bailar con nosotros
"The sun has just set and I can see souls hanging around my window. I saw them laughing because they will be with us today."
El sol acaba de ocultarse y puedo ver las almas merodeando por mi ventana. Los vi contentos porque hoy van a estar con nosotros.
On Halloween everyone gets scared
On Halloween everyone gets sweet
On Halloween all children collect candy
Halloween tricks are done aveces
in many sweets they are bought HALLOWEEN
On Halloween all children stay on the streets
in dark things are sold HALLOWEEN
in HALLOWEEN parents let their children go out to the streets
in many guises they sold HALLOWEEN