• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isabelaapro
  • hace 5 años

me ayudan x favor....?​



Respuesta dada por: fandrei800


he has

she has

you have

we have

they have

en negativo es lo mismo pero con has not o have not

la pregunta es con esta estructura

(have o has segun la persona)tried to talk to her?

Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


He has tried to talk to her

He hasn't tried to talk to her

Has he tried to talk to her?

She has tried to talk to her

She hasn't tried to talk to her

Has she tried to talk to her?

You have tried to talk to her

You haven't tried to talk to her

Have you tried to talk to her?

We have tried to talk to her

We haven't tried to talk to her

Have we tried to talk to her?

They have tried to talk to her

They haven't tried to talk to her

Have they tried to talk to her?.


tried to talk to her - tratado de hablar con ella


Sujeto + Have o Has + Verbo en participio pasado ( tried) + Verbo en infinitivo ( to talk ) + complemento

He tratado de hablar con ella

No he tratado de hablar con ella

¿ El ha tratado de hablar con ella?

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