• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sarahschmieg1
  • hace 9 años

I need the halter summary of a book called the pack by tom pow


Respuesta dada por: Tefi111
It's about 3 kids (Bradely, Floris, and Victor) living with 3 dogs and an old woman (appropriately named "the Old Woman") in a run-down "zone" of a giant city. They survive by begging and having the Old Woman play tricks on passing patrolmen. But one day, she tricks the wrong person and he tracks them down in their abandoned basemnent home. He kidnaps Floris and takes her to a "forbidden territory", the places between the zones that are run by all-powerful gang leaders. Bradley, Victor, and one of the dogs go after her, but when they get to the "headquarters", Floris is gone. The leader, Red Dog, keeps them prisoners and uses their dog as his new dog fight champion. But soon, they get the chance to escape with the help of one of Red Dog's boy soldiers, Skreech. They all head to The Mountain, a giant factory where children are forced to work, where Floris was sent. They find her and get her out easily, and they head north to live in the forest. On the way they have some trouble with Red Dog and briefly with some "Wolf People", which I found a bit weird and confusing. Also confusing was the timeline of the story and the flashbacks the characters have throughout the story. I loved the characters, though, and their strange relationships with each other. Overall, it was a good book.
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