• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sergioloco113
  • hace 5 años

1. Read the following text and do the excercises:
Working from Wome.

In today's world, many companies are changing this traditional
way of working. More and more people are telecommuters. This
means that they do not commute to an office every day, they
work from home, this is possisble of course because there are
many form of communications technology like internet, fax
machine, and telephone conferencing.
Your day is very different from your neighbor's day. When he is
leaving for the office at 7 a.m you are getting up. He is sitting in
traffic at 7:30 and you are drinking a cup of coffee and checking
your e-mail. At 8 your neighbor is arriving at the office, you are
taking a shower, after that you have breakfast and begin your
day's work. You send several reports by e mail, and when you
have a teleconference with a collegue in Brazil and Italy.

True of False. Justify the false one

1. People are not telecommuters....
2. The neighbour leave the office at 7 am:.
3. To work form home is posible because of the
4. You cannot send reports, e mail from your


Respuesta dada por: jonathanzambrano7


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