• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rl2849551
  • hace 5 años

selecciona la respuesta correcta en cada caso

°andrea and richard ______ autside when the phone ringed.
A; were barking B: was playing

°the dog ______ at us when laurence arrived
A: were barking B: was barking

°my mother ______ the exercise to me when my brother felt down
A:were explaining B:was explaining


Respuesta dada por: freddyarroyosan123


no sé bro yo solo hablo chino.

rl2849551: .-.
Respuesta dada por: moirapazfernandez
selecciona la respuesta correcta en cada caso

°andrea and richard were playing outside when the phone ringed.
A; were barking B: was playing

°the dog was barking at us when laurence arrived
A: were barking B: was barking

°my mother was explaining the exercise to me when my brother felt down
A:were explaining B:was explaining
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