• Asignatura: Física
  • Autor: asais8430
  • hace 6 años

qué actividades se pueden observar las tres leyes de Newton en tu vida
diaria. ayuda


Respuesta dada por: tinezju123



A person is located in the back of a vehicle that is traveling at a speed of 80km / h. This vehicle, when turning to the right or left, will cause the subject located at the back to tend to follow in a straight line (the movement they had), but the friction of the seat surface will cause their movement not to be prolonged exaggeratedly. For this reason, when we go in a vehicle and it brakes abruptly, we feel that we are moving forward of the seat involuntarily, and that is because we maintain a constant speed (the one that the vehicle is carrying) and suddenly it brakes (external force that modified the velocity) we no longer have a constant velocity and the law of inertia applies. Hence the importance of wearing a seat belt.

An everyday example of what is known as Newton's second law can be something as simple as two subjects, A and B in which A has greater force than B, and they push a table, pushing subject A to the East and subject B to the North. By adding the forces we will obtain a resultant force equal to the motion and acceleration of the table. Therefore, the table will move in a Northeast direction but with a greater inclination towards the East since subject A exerts greater force than subject B ,.


An example for this case can be a man pushing a table. In this case the man exerts a force f1 and the table in this case reacts and pushes the person with a force f2. To make this example easier to understand, imagine that the subject and the table have the same mass and are on a smooth, frictionless surface, in this case we would observe that both the table and the person would move in the same direction but in the opposite direction.

I hope my answers serve you

wilfridochaparro191: hola
tinezju123: hi
wilfridochaparro191: que tal
wilfridochaparro191: como te
wilfridochaparro191: llamas
wilfridochaparro191: hola
wilfridochaparro191: hola ..
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