• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melinamugas3
  • hace 5 años

5 Escribe las frases como preguntas.
He has dinner at ten o'clock.
Does he have dinner at ten o'clock?
1 She plays tennis at the weekend.
2 They do karate after school.
3 I live in Los Angleles.
4 You do your homework on Fridays.
5 He listens to music after school.
6 We speak Polish.​


Respuesta dada por: diegoess2003


Does she play tennis at the weekend? (la preposición "at" está mal, se debe cambiar por "on" o "during")

Do they do karathe after school?

Do I live in Los Angeles?

Do you do your homework on Fridays?

Does she listen to music after school?

Do we speak Polish?

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