Download Music:
- Search a song that you like
- Search for a site to download it
Then download it with the instructions thar apear in the site
Subscribe to a Youtube Channel:
- First : go to the person you want to subscribe's Channel
- Second : Click the red button that says Subscribe
After doing that, you have subscribed!
Si te ayudo, ponme la coronita de mejor respuesta o dame un corazon :)
Ten un buen dia :)
Necesitas escribir las instrucciones de cómo realizar una de las cosas que te indican con un computador. A continuación te daré un ejemplo de todas las opciones.
- Download music: To download music we need a website dedicated to download free or paid music (Examples: Soundcloud, Noise Trade) after that we need to press in download button and save the music where you want.
- Update your status on a social networking site: To update your status on a social networking site you need, before everything, an account on the website. After having an account you just click on the box to upload your status which is normally above the news section.
- Subscribe to a YouTube channel: To subscribe to a YouTube channel you need an account. You can register in the button at the top right of the website. After having an account you go to the YouTube channel and press the red button that says "Subscribe" and that's it.