Escribe un texto
analizando y
explicando las
características de
los ecosistemas con
la diversidad de
porfabor ayude
espara hoy
Respuesta corta
Ahora bien, tanto en el medio acuático como en el medio terrestre pueden considerarse multitud de ecosistemas distintos en función de sus condiciones ambientales particulares.
repuesta larga
La ecosfera, que incluye todos los ecosistemas del planeta, puede considerarse dividida en dos tipos de ecosistemas: los acuáticos y los terrestres. Las
características físico-químicas de los dos fluidos, tan distintos, agua y aire,
condicionan la vida y determinan las diferencias en la anatomía, el funcionamiento y el comportamiento de los seres que viven en ellos.
Ahora bien, tanto en el medio acuático como en el medio terrestre pueden
considerarse multitud de ecosistemas distintos en función de sus condiciones ambientales particulares. Esta diversidad representa una enorme riqueza
para la humanidad y es un valor que debemos preservar.
espero que te sirva
We enjoy and conserve the diversity of
plants of our country
Our country has a great richness in variety of plants. We have more than 25,000 species,
which represents 10% of the total plant species in the world. In addition, 4400 of these species
They are used by the population for having special properties. The great diversity is due, among
other reasons, to the variety of ecosystems of our country. Study plants and understand how
they are related in our lives we all care. We live with them, we conform the same
ecosystems, they depend on us, but we depend much more on them.
Knowing and disseminating the importance of conserving the diversity of plants in your region or community is
fundamental to understand how we relate to them and how important they are to preserve
our system. In this context, we ask the following questions: how much do you know about
its diversity in your locality? What ecoregion is your locality in? What plants favor
preservation of the ecosystem of your locality?
This week, it is necessary for students to investigate the diversity of
their region, locality or the ecoregion to which they belong, since they will recognize the plants that favor
the ecosystem of your locality. Finally, they will prepare a booklet with proposals for actions for their
conservation and share them with your family and community