• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: edgaromar18
  • hace 5 años

Share these ideas in our Forum, ‘My last trip’

People usually travel on vacation. Some people travel around Peru, but other people travel abroad. What about you? When was the las time you traveled? Where did you travel? What did you do? Who did you travel with? Did you eat typical or local food?


Respuesta dada por: dennysamayamejia13


Ok, let me explain you, Last time that I traveled was 6 months ago. I traveled to El Salvador, I spent a lot time and I had fun.

I did such as many things, for example; I went to visit history places, I went to visit the beaches, not only for that,

I took many pictures, and I learned too much of their customes, cultures, etc.

Well, let me disclose you, I traveled with all my famlily ( Dad, Mom, sister) we were together on this trip, so we got fun, it's a good memory.

I eat as much I as could, I eat pupusas, that is a typical dish in El Salvador, also I sampled some tamales with tomato salse, it was very delicious, I really recommend you to go to El Salvador or neither country, because there're many places in the world to visit.

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