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Anheuser Busch ejecutó "3D Test", un comercial para Bud Light, durante los juegos de NFC y AFC Championship en enero, sugiriendo que la compañía cervecera está cuidando los intereses públicos. El anuncio muestra anuncios 3D que son tan eficaces que se vuelven peligrosos. Publicar los anuncios habría sido inapropiado. "Ninguna gente atrofiada fue dañada durante la realización de este comercial, bueno, porque son personas de acrobacias".
Anheuser Busch ran "3D Test," a commercial for Bud Light, during the NFC and AFC Championship games in January, suggesting that the brewery is looking out for the public interest. The ad displays 3D ads that are so effective that they become dangerous. Posting the ads would have been inappropriate. "No stunt people were harmed during the making of this commercial, well, because they are stunt people."