semana 25 ingles 4to A1
Respuesta:e s a e s l a t a r e a d e i n g l e s s e m a n a 2 5
En la semana 25 de inglés A1 de 4to año de bachillerato, la actividad trata de los nuevos hábitos durante la pandemia.
Completar el texto con tu información personal y hábitos o rutinas que haces en tres de las habitaciones de la casa haciendo uso de la palabra "every"
My new normal.
Hello everyone! My name is (tu nombre) and I'm (tu edad) years old. I'm from (tu país).
This is my new normal during lockdown.
First, I get up at 8:30 o'clock every day, I have breakfast with my family in the dinning room, then I go to my room because I have an online class at 9:30 every morning, after class I do my homework in the living room, after that I help my mom while she's cooking lunch. Then every night my sister and I watch a movie, and take a shower in the bathroom before going to bed.
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