• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: robartoacosta833722d
  • hace 6 años




Respuesta dada por: jenssysterling


Tarea 25-ING-1ro

A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • Carpenter
  • Astronomer
  • Teacher
  • Butcher

What are they going to do next month? *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • They are go to spend their holidays at grandparent's house next month.
  • They are going to spend their holidays at the hotel next month.
  • They are not going to spend their holidays at the beach next month.
  • They are going to spend their holidays at the beach next month.

A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • Author
  • Architect
  • Butcher
  • Farmer

He _________ get married next month. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • are going to
  • is going
  • is going to
  • go to

Tarea 26-ING-1ro

_________________ is a person who works at a fire department, either as a volunteer or by profession, who rescues people and animals from fires. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • Bricklayer
  • Firefighter
  • Lifeguard
  • Surgeon

A: Is _________ to run around the park? B: No, she _______. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • I going - are not
  • we going - aren´t
  • she going - isn´t
  • they going - isn´t

_________________ is a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured, especially in a hospital. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • Teacher
  • Librarian
  • Pilot
  • Nurse

Peter, Cindy and Luz _________________to New York tomorrow. *

Imagen sin leyenda

  • are not going travelling
  • are not going travel
  • are not going to travel
  • is not going to traveled

Tarea 27-ING-1ro


Read the following passage and answer the questions carefully.

imagen leyenda*

Choose the best answer according to the text.

What does the phrase “civil war” underlined in the second paragraph refer to? *

  • A war fought inside a neighboring country.
  • A war fought against a much stronger country.
  • A war fought over the next ruler of a country.
  • A war fought by two sides of the same country.

What is NOT one of the advantages that the Spanish had? *

  • horses
  • wealth
  • weapons
  • smallpox

The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______ *

  • Francisco Pizarro’s army was so strong.
  • smallpox was a big cause of the Inca Empire’s fall.
  • the death of Huayna Capac destroyed the Incas.
  • so many Incas died from the civil war.

Which cause and effect does NOT belong? *

  • South Americans wasn’t immune to smallpox – smallpox killed half the population.
  • The Spanish tried to find India – they found South America.
  • Civil war started in the Inca Empire – Huayna Capac was killed.
  • The Inca Empire grew weak – Francisco Pizarro conquered it with few soldiers.
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