• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paulabello846
  • hace 6 años

escribe en frente de cada oracion su tag question correspondiente , observando el ejemplo​



Respuesta dada por: briknisita


A.- You do not travel abroad. Do you?

B.- They live in Colombia till December. Don't they?

C.- She sings in the shower. Doesn't she?

D.- Carlos is not vegetarian. Is he?

E.- My siblings do not prepare the breakfast for themselves. Do they?

F.- Lorena forgets her homework. Doesn't she?

G.- I cook something special for you. Don't I?

H.- I am an eight grade student. Aren't I?

I.- It does not rain as usual. Does it?

J.- Teacher Adriana teaches maths. Doesn't she?

K.- We talk for more than two hours. Don't we?

L.- Sara gets sick every week. Doesn't she?


Espero haber sido de ayuda.

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