• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jl4092854
  • hace 6 años

Exercise 1 - Choose the most suitable future forms for the gaps below.

(two neighbors talking)

MARTHA: What a horrible weather today. I’d love to go out, but I think it ________ (1) continue raining.

JANE: Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the sun__________ (2) come out later this afternoon.

MARTHA: I hope you’re right. Listen, I ________ (3) have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come?

JANE: Oh, I’d love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who_________ (4) come to the party?

MARTHA: Well, some people haven’t told me yet. But, Peter and Mark _________ (5) help out with the cooking!

JANE: Hey, I _________ (6) help, too.

MARTHA: Would you? That would be great!

JANE: I ________ (7) make lasagna!

MARTHA: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins _________ (8) be there. I´m sure they _______ (9) love it.

JANE: Italians? Maybe I ________ (9) bake a cake...

MARTHA: No, no. They’re not like that. They ________ (10) love it.

JANE: Well, if you say so...
MARTHA: I’m sure everyone__________ (15) have a good time.
JANE: That’s the plan!!

jl4092854: ayudenme xfa


Respuesta dada por: iamharding2006


1) will


3) am going to

4) is going to

5) will

6)am going to

7) am going to make

8) will

9)are going to


10) will

11) is going to


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