• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sheilarooo
  • hace 6 años

Elije las palabaras correctas a-Sadie (buy/buys) cool clothes. I (like/likes) her new sneakers b-kathelyn (watch/watches) movies on her tablet.Her parents (don't/doesn't) have a tv. c-Ed (doesn't/don't) take out the frash. His mom (take out/takes out) the frash. d-This insec (eats/eat) friut and it (doesn't/don't) like cold weather. me ayudan se los agradeceria mucho,gracias.


Respuesta dada por: fioregomel


A) Buys; Like

B) watches; don't

C) doesn't; takes out

D) eats; doesn't


Cuando el sujeto es he/she/it se le agrega una s al final del verbo. Al resto no se le agrega nada

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