Respuesta dada por:
abandonarto leave, to forsake, to give up, to abandonabastecerto supplyablandarseto softenabofetearto slapabonarto suscribe, to payabrazarto hugabrirto openabrocharseto button, to fastenabrumarto overwhelmaburrirseto get boredacabarto finishacabar conto end up withacabar deto have just + infacatarto uphold, to heedaceptarto acceptacercarseto get near, to approachaclararto clarifyacogerto welcomeacompañarto accompanyaconsejarto adviseacontecerto happenacordarse deto rememberacostarseto go to bedacostumbrarseto get accustomed toacudirto comeacusarto accuseadelantarto surpass, to move forwardadelgazarto get thinadiestrarto trainadivinarto guessadquiriracquireadvertirto warnafectarto affectafirmarto affirmafrontarto face, to confrontagacharseto lean over, to bend downagarrarto grabagitarto shakeagobiarse deto get stressed withagotarseto get exhaustedagradecerto thankagregarto addaguantarto stand, to put up withahogarseto drownahorcarto hang(una persona)ahorrar(se)to save moneyalbergarto lodgealcanzarto reachalegarto allege, to claimalegrarseto be happyalentarto encouragealimentarto nourish, to feedaliviarto relievealojaralbergaralejarseto move away fromalquilarto rentalumbrarto light, to enlightenalzarto raiseamanecerto dawnamarto loveamenazarto threatenandarto walkanhelarto long foranimarto encourageanochecerto become nightantojar(se)to feel likeanunciarto announceapagarto turn off, to put outaparecerto appearapartarseto go away a distanceaplastarto smashaplaudirto applaudapodarto nicknameapoderarse deto take overaportarto contributeapoyarto supportaprenderto learnapretarto squeezeaprovecharse deto take advantage ofaprobarto approve, to pass(a test)arrancarto tear off, to pluck out, to start uparrastarto dragarrebatarto snatch awayarreglarto fixarrepentir(se)to regretarriesgarto riskarrodillarseto kneelasegurarse deto make sure ofasesinarto murderasistirto attend(school)asomar(se)to show up, to appear atasustarto scareatacarto attackatarto tieatemorizarto terrifyatenderto attend(patients, business)aterrizarto landatormentarto tormentatraparto catchatrasarto get behindatreverse ato dareatropellarto run overaumentarto increaseavanzarto advanceavergonzarse deto be ashamed ofaveriguarto verify, to find outayudarto helpazotarto whip, to beatbailarto dancebajarto lower, to take downbajar deto come down frombalbucearto stutter, to babblebañarseto bathebarrerto sweepbesarto kissborrarto erasebostezarto yawnbrincarto jumpbromearto make a joke, to kidbroncearseto tan, to get a suntanbrotarto sprout, to bud, to spring upbucearto dive, snorkelburlarse deto make fun ofbuscarto searchcaberto fitcalmarto calm downcambiarto changecaminarto walkcansarse deto get rid ofcantarto singcarecer deto be lacking of, to needcastigarto punishcavilarto wondercenarto dinecepillarseto brushclavarto nailcobrarto cost, to cashcocinarto cookcodiciarto covetcolgar(ue)to hang up, to postcolocarto placecomerto eatcompartirto sharecomportarseto behavecomprarto buyconcretarto express explicitlyconfiar ento trustconjugarto conjugateconocerto know(people), to meet
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