• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: claudiamilenamunozco
  • hace 6 años

Holi me ayudan y les doy coronita.

PD: si respondes cualquier cosa que denuncio.​


diegodelaguila: idioma TAKA TAKA :v
Robertoybruno1212: que hay que hacer? :v


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1. I didn't live in Los Angeles when I was a child

2. We didn't weep at the news of her death

3. They didn't cry in their birthdays

4. She didn't walk ih the park

5. Mario didn't paint the "Monalisa"

6. Tatiana didn't break the window

7. Ariana didn't sing in the karaoke

8. They didn't write the Divine Comedy

9. Martin didn't fly on the holiday

10. You didn't read the book that the teacher assigned us as a task

11. Julia didn't dream with a demon

Respuesta dada por: juandaguirre03

1 I never lived un London.


3 I didn't cry when

4 I walked to school before cuarentine.

5 Picasso didn't Paint the Gioconda.

6 I Did not break your ruler.

7 Sarah didnt like to sing, but now is learning.

8 Gabriel García Márquez didn't write the Quijote.

9 When My bird was little, it didn't fly.

10 I never read the books of Miguel De Cervantes.

11 I didn't Dream yesterday.

Así, supongo...

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