From the list presented in the reading, choose four possible consequences of actual human habits on the environment. Write a possible solution for each of them.

1.If we have high CO2 concentration levels, the sun’s heat does not go backinto space and stays on the planet
2. we do not reduce plastic use, our oceans will have more plastic items in them than animals.
3.If the temperature of the planet increases, ice from the poles will meltand disappear.i.If we start doing something now, we will avoid sad future.
4. If the sun’s heat stays, it produces a greenhouse effect and global warming
Some objects that we use are recyclable, we should place more recycling containers and put fines on those who throw garbage, create more sound green, plant more plants and flowers so that there is more oxygen and that we can breathe without discomfort, save water when brushing our teeth bathing and cooking.
espero que te ayude