• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jd2365108
  • hace 6 años

2. Give short answers to these questions. Follow the example. (Dar respuestas a las
preguntas. Sigue el ejemplo)
Example: Is Luis happy? Yes, he is/No, he isn't.
Was Julian in the park?: Yes, he was / No, he wasn't
Do your cousins study French?: Yes, they do / No, they don't
Did my aunt travel to England?: Yes, she did / No, she didn't
a. Are the students in the classroom?
b. Does Monica play the piano?
c. Did the teacher explain the lesson?
d. Is my brother in the room?
e. Did my parents buy the books?
f. Does Sara understand the exercise?
g. Were Karol and I here yesterday?
h. Was our pet in the street?
i. Do Felipe and you dance in the party?
j. Do the nurses read that book?​


Respuesta dada por: Domglass05
  • Yes, they are / No, they aren´t
  • Yes, she does / No, she doesn´t
  • Yes, she did / No, she didn´t
  • Yes, he is / No, he isn´t
  • Yes, they did / No, they didn´t
  • Yes, she did / No she didnt
  • Yes, we were / No, we weren´t
  • Yes, it was / No, it wasn´t
  • Yes, we do / No, we don´t
  • Yes, they do / No, they don´t
Respuesta dada por: acielocabreraccp


a. Yes, they are.

b. No, she doesn't.

c. Yes, she did.

d. Yes, he is.

e. Yes, they did.

f. No, she doesn't.

g. Yes, you were.

h. No, it wasn't.

i. Yes, we do.

j. No, she don't.

acielocabreraccp: Espero que te ayude.
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