P ara decir y que me entiendas
A hora no utilizaré las palabras
L o haré en estos poemas
A unque tal vez tampoco lo comprendas
B usco que nos podamos entender
R esucitar aquella fluida forma
A bandonada de comunicación
S olución a nuestras diferencias
i mportant person
a nd they can always count on me
m aster of fair work
s hare experiences and lessons
u nity at work, and as a team
c lear goal and path to success
c entury of wisdom
e ven if there are problems i can fix it
s ometimes I fall but I get up
s ometimes I doubt but I clarify everything
f uture winner
u ntil it is achieved
l n effect we will achieve it
p ower and union
e specially
r ight way
s oon it will be plowed
o pen to new ideas and thoughts
n arrow but safe path.
dame coronita y puntos pls estuvo muy dificil :v