• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: salloita30pe1lc8
  • hace 6 años

2. Choose the correct possessive pronouns in each sentence and circle it.
a. That is Joan's notebook. This notebook is (his/hers).
b. That map isn't yours. That map is (mine/yours).
c. Those are Susan and Emilia's markers. Those markers are (mine/theirs).
d. This lunch is not Taro's lunch. It belongs to us. It is (his/ours).
e. These aren't Serena's movie tickets. They belong to Kevin.
They are (his/theirs).​


Respuesta dada por: acolom



a. That is Joan's notebook. This notebook is hers.

b. That map isn't yours. That map is mine.

c. Those are Susan and Emilia's markers. Those markers are theirs.

d. This lunch is not Taro's lunch. It belongs to us. It is ours.

e. These aren't Serena's movie tickets. They belong to Kevin.

They are his.​

a. Ese es el cuaderno de Joan. Este cuaderno es suyo.

b Ese mapa no es tuyo. Ese mapa es mío.

C. Esos son los marcadores de Susan y Emilia. Esos marcadores son de ellos.

d. Este almuerzo no es el almuerzo de Taro. Nos pertenece. Es nuestro.

e. Estas no son las entradas al cine de Serena. Pertenecen a Kevin.

Son de él.

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