• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xXEmcrackXx
  • hace 6 años

Pliss..... me ayudan?? o me salvan?? xd... pero en serio.... Revision : Unit 2 Grammar Task 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (travel) to the train station yesterday morning when we (see) an accident! 2 I (buy) a new dress yesterday while we (shop). 3 We (watch) the film when my brother (fall) asleep! 4 I (hate) coffee when I (be) younger, but now I love it. 5 Yani (fall) over while he (play) football this morning. ___/10 Task 2 Can the verbs in bold be used in the continuous? Decide if the sentences (C) correct or (I) incorrect. 6 I was thinking about my maths homework yesterday. 7 I was knowing how to get to the new theatre. 8 I was having dinner at 8 p.m. yesterday. 9 I was doing yoga yesterday at 6 a.m. 10 I was hearing a strange noise outside my window last night. ___/5 Task 3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Change the verbs if necessary. 11 for / good / your / walking / health / . 12 John / is fed up / get up / early / with / . 13 relaxing / yoga / doing / is / . 14 time / like / spend / family / I / with / my / . 15 birthday / I ‘m / planning / have / party / a / . ___/10 Vocabulary Task 1 Complete the sentences with these words. awful bad funny furious hilarious 16 I didn’t think that joke was very , sorry. 17 My mum is with me because I didn’t clean my room. 18 Did you do that test yesterday? It was . I didn’t get one question right! 19 Did you watch that comedy film last night? I laughed so much! It was absolutely . 20 I had a very headache last night, so I went to bed early. ___/5 Task 2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 21 I always listen / hear to the radio in the mornings. 22 I will now explain the homework about / to you. 23 I don’t know what you can speak / say to him to help with his problem. 24 You need to tell / talk your parents if you want to go out later. 25 My brother is going to speak about / with our school on the TV! 26 How do you tell / say ‘thank you’ in French? 27 How do you pronounce / understand the name Lloyd? 28 I didn’t really understand / translate what he said. 29 What does ‘collocation’ explain / mean? 30 I’m sorry, could you speak / repeat that please? I didn’t hear you. ___/10 Task 3 Complete the words in the conversation. A: Do you (31) r _ _l_ _ _ what time it is? We will be late for the film! The cinema doesn’t (32) a _l _ _ people to go inside after the film starts. B: Don’t worry. There is one at 6.15 and one at 7.30. We can (33) c _ _ _s _ the later time. A: Phew! I didn’t know there were two times! B: Yes, you don’t need to (34) p _n _ _ ! A: Haha! Well, I think this film will be good. My brother (35) r _c _ _ _ _ _ _s it! ___/10 Total: ___/50

laurapereztwo: guau muchisima tarea
xXEmcrackXx: Ja! esto es lo mas minimo q me mandan
laurapereztwo: nooo a mi me da algo jajaxD
soylunavalente456: ahi puse mi respuesta. Podrias marcarla como la mejor?


Respuesta dada por: soylunavalente456


1 We WERE TRAVELLING to the train station yesterday morning when we SAW an accident! 2 I BOUGHT a new dress yesterday while we WERE SHOPPING. 3 We WERE WATCHING the film when my brother FELL asleep! 4 I HATE coffee when I WAS younger, but now I love it. 5 Yani FELL over while he WAS PLAYING football this morning. ___/10 Task

2 Can the verbs in bold be used in the continuous? Decide if the sentences (C) correct or (I) incorrect. 6 I was thinking about my maths homework yesterday CORRECT. 7 I was knowing how to get to the new theatre INCORRECT. 8 I was having dinner at 8 p.m. yesterday CORRECT. 9 I was doing yoga yesterday at 6 a.m CORRECT. 10 I was hearing a strange noise outside my window last night INCORRECT. ___/5 Task

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Change the verbs if necessary.

11 for / good / your / walking / health / = Walkings is good for your health

12 John / is fed up / get up / early / with /= John is fed up with getting up early

3 relaxing / yoga / doing / is / . = Doing yoga is relaxing

14 time / like / spend / family / I / with / my / .= I like spending time with my family

15 birthday / I ‘m / planning / have / party / a / = I'm planning a birthday party

Vocabulary Task 1 Complete the sentences with these words. awful bad funny furious hilarious 16 I didn’t think that joke was very , sorry. 17 My mum is with me because I didn’t clean my room. 18 Did you do that test yesterday? It was . I didn’t get one question right! 19 Did you watch that comedy film last night? I laughed so much! It was absolutely . 20 I had a very headache last night, so I went to bed early. ___/5 Task 2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 21 I always listen / hear to the radio in the mornings. 22 I will now explain the homework about / to you. 23 I don’t know what you can speak / say to him to help with his problem. 24 You need to tell / talk your parents if you want to go out later. 25 My brother is going to speak about / with our school on the TV! 26 How do you tell / say ‘thank you’ in French? 27 How do you pronounce / understand the name Lloyd? 28 I didn’t really understand / translate what he said. 29 What does ‘collocation’ explain / mean? 30 I’m sorry, could you speak / repeat that please? I didn’t hear you. ___/10 Task 3 Complete the words in the conversation. A: Do you (31) r _ _l_ _ _ what time it is? We will be late for the film! The cinema doesn’t (32) a _l _ _ people to go inside after the film starts. B: Don’t worry. There is one at 6.15 and one at 7.30. We can (33) c _ _ _s _ the later time. A: Phew! I didn’t know there were two times! B: Yes, you don’t need to (34) p _n _ _ ! A: Haha! Well, I think this film will be good. My brother (35) r _c _ _ _ _ _ _s it! ___/10 Total: ___/50


soylunavalente456: solo hice la parte de grammar
soylunavalente456: la otra no
Respuesta dada por: alejamont

Tomando en cuenta las indicaciones de cada punto de la actividad, la gramática y los tiempos verbales, se desarrolla la actividad de la siguiente manera.

Task 1

  • Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We were traveling to the train station yesterday morning when we saw an accident! 2 I bought a new dress yesterday while we were shopping. 3 We were watching the film when my brother fell asleep! 4 I hate coffee when I was younger, but now I love it. 5 Yani feel over while he was playing football this morning.

Task 2

  • Can the verbs in bold be used in the continuous? Decide if the sentences (C) correct or (I) incorrect.

  • 6. I was thinking about my maths homework yesterday (C) correct.

  • 7. I was knowing how to get to the new theatre (I) incorrect.

  • 8. I was having dinner at 8 p.m. yesterday (C) correct.

  • 9. I was doing yoga yesterday at 6 a.m (C) correct.

  • 10. I was hearing a strange noise outside my window last night (I) incorrect.

Task 3

  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Change the verbs if necessary.

  • 11. for / good / your / walking / health /: Walkings is good for your health

  • 12. John / is fed up / get up / early / with /: John is fed up with getting up early

  • 13. relaxing / yoga / doing / is / : Doing yoga is relaxing

  • 14. time / like / spend / family / I / with / my / : I like spending time with my family

  • 15. birthday / I ‘m / planning / have / party / a / : I'm planning a birthday party

Para aprender más sobre Inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/319184

Para aprender más sobre la gramática en Inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/32407272


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