• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ariasparejatomas
  • hace 6 años

Name:_______tomas arias________________________ - Date: _________

1. Correct the following sentences using present simple
1. He go to bed very early.
2. Does they live in Canada?
3. I am usually cook dinner for my family.
4. Are they have a meeting every week?
5. She don’t like tennis.
6. Does John has enough money?
7. He know the answer.
8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. 9. They has lots of free time.
10. Do they usually driving to work?
11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant.
12. She worrys too much about the exams.
13. My father wants to travels to Spain.
14. Why you study English?
15. He doesn’t drinks tea.
16. They are start class in the morning.

2. Select and answer 5 of the following questions.

1. What languages can you speak?
2. What can’t you do that most people can do?
3. What songs can you sing?
4. Where in your town or city can you eat great restaurant food?
5. What can you do to improve your English?
6. Which student(s) in your class can tell funny jokes?
7. What six animals can eat you? For example: sharks, bears, ... (think of six more) 8. Can you remember what you dreamed about last night?
9. Why can’t chickens fly?
10. In how many languages can you say, “Hello”?


Respuesta dada por: leonjimena1996


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