• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Pregunton42
  • hace 6 años

Completa las oraciones con in / on / at.

11. Children, please be patient. Food will be served _____ a few minutes

12. We took the test _____ the same time, but he finished it _____ an hour. _____ the moment, I’m on my last item to answer.

13. School starts _____ June and ends _____ March in the Philippines.

14. The bar closes _____ midnight and opens _____ ten _____ the morning.


Respuesta dada por: violetado


11. on

12. at /in /At

13. in / in

14. at / at in


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


11. Children, please be patient. Food will be served in a few minutes

12. We took the test at the same time, but he finished it in an hour. At the moment, I’m on my last item to answer.

13. School starts in June and ends in March in the Philippines.

14. The bar closes at midnight and opens at ten in the morning.

Pregunton42: Gracias =,)
Pregunton42: Oye me puedes seguir ayudando?
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