• Asignatura: Física
  • Autor: JuanGames705
  • hace 7 años

Un motociclista y un automóvil, se mueven en la misma dirección sobre una carretera. Si además se sabe que entre ellos hay una separación de 500m. Teniendo presente que el motociclista va a 12m/s y el camión va a 20m/s. Si el motociclista acelera uniformemente a razón de 2m/s. Determine donde y cuando el motociclista alcanza al camión.


Respuesta dada por: zoeagustinahoyos

I swear I would love to answer this, but I'm just starting to speak Spanish, in the meantime, could you send me your question in English so I can translate it, and then answer you and you pass it to Spanish with Google? Is that I really want to answer this

JuanGames705: A motorcyclist and a car move in the same direction on a road. If it is also known that there is a separation of 500m between them. Bearing in mind that the motorcyclist goes at 12m / s and the truck goes at 20m / s. If the motorcyclist accelerates uniformly at a rate of 2m / s. Determine where and when the motorcyclist reaches the truck
JuanGames705: thanks for the help
zoeagustinahoyos: Thank You :3
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