• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: layorona17
  • hace 6 años

Me pueden ayudar es urgente para mañana


Joseportllo: C paso de lanza


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

3. You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

4. If you have time, you should visit the ******* museum. It's very interesting.

6. I'm too far to work from here to the station. I should take a taxi.

B.Yo/u are not s/ure what to do, so you ask your friend. Write questi/ons followi/ng the example:

2. You can't drive. (?)

You ask your friend: D/o you think I should _?_

3. You don't like your job. (get another job)

You ask your friend: D/o you think I should get another job?

4. You are going to have a party. (Invite Ga/ry)

You ask your friend: D/o you think I sh/ould in/vite Gary?

C. Write sentences with I think... Should... / I do/n't think.... Should...

3. You d/on't need your car. (Sell it)

I think you sho/uld sell it.

4. Karen needs a rest. (have a holiday)

I think Karen (she) should have a holiday.

5.Sally and Dan are too young. (get married)

I d/on't think Sally and Dan (they) should get married.

6. You are not well this morning. (go to work)

I d/on't think you should go to work.

¿Podrias tomar otra foto de las actividades A y B, que se noten bien?

layorona17: gracias
layorona17: ayudame con otra
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