• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lauraestrada1993
  • hace 6 años

Write three paragraphs about your grandparents or parents. Include as much of the following information as you can:

• where they were born
• what they studied
• where they met
• when they got married
• where they lived
• how many children they had

(Use about 75 words)

Escribe tres párrafos sobre tus abuelos o tus padres. Incluya la mayor cantidad posible de la siguiente información:

• donde nacieron
• lo que estudiaron
• donde se conocieron
• cuando se casaron
• donde vivían
• cuántos hijos tuvieron

(Use alrededor de 75 palabras)

POR FAVOR, AYÚDAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loseirosei: I don't know such things about your grandparents, I can't help you. Honestly, i don't think anybody can, sorry buddy :(
lauraestrada1993: No pasa nada.
Da igual.
lauraestrada1993: Cuidado


Respuesta dada por: RoGzalez22


My grandfather was born in Mexico And my grandmother in France Grandmother moved  For study  Accountancy In college he met my grandfather They were married on October 22  

They had three children  

And they are very happy living with their grandchildren


espero te sirva..

lauraestrada1993: Gracias.
lauraestrada1993: Cuidado.
RoGzalez22: ... me asustas... xq cuidado
lauraestrada1993: ¿Con qué te estoy asustando?
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