• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rominxsarai
  • hace 6 años

1. I _________ (lose) my keys. 2. She ____________(not call) me today. 3. My mother ______________ (read) all the books of Isabel Allende. 4. My friends _____________ (have) a car accident. 5. _________you__________ (watch) that new movie? 6. Estefany and I ______________ (do) our homework on time. Escribe estas oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo en Presente Perfecto


Respuesta dada por: Untouch


1. I Lost (lose) my keys 2. She not called (not call) me today. 3. My mother read (read) all the books of Isabel Allende. 4. My friends had (have) a car accident. 5. you watched (watch) that new movie? 6. Estefany and I Done (do) our homework on time.


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