• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yulie2020
  • hace 6 años

A. Choose the correct word or phrase in brackets to fill the space.(Escoja la palabra o frase correcta dentro del paréntesis para llenar el espacio en blanco. 1. (because / because of) We stayed inside ________________________ the storm. 2. (since / because of) I wanted to stay longer ________________________ I was really enjoying the party. 3. (as / due to) Amanda stayed at home ________________________ her illness. 4. (due to / as) Her lateness was ________________________ a terrible traffic jam. 5. (since / owning to) ________________________ Flights are cheaper in the winter, we decided to


Respuesta dada por: oripre820


1. Because of

2. Since

3. Due to

4. Due to

5. Since


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