• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: laingenia
  • hace 6 años

Franklin's Virtues Benjamin Franklin is regarded as an important historical figure. His hard work and character played a major role in his success. But his moral values may have been a contributing factor as well. We have a good idea of what principles guided Franklin during his lifetime. In his autobiography, he wrote about the virtues he wanted to live by. At the very top of his list, Franklin put the virtue of showing restraint with food and drink, which he felt affected the senses when taken in excess. Second, Franklin valued the virtue of silence. He wanted to avoid unimportant conversation and only speak when he had something useful to say. Order was the third virtue on the list, as Franklin thought everything should have its own time and place. Fourth, Franklin listed the virtue of determination. When he set out to do something, he thought he should always complete it. There were 13 virtues in all. For the most part, they promote personal development and emphasize self-discipline in all matters. Franklin knew that in order to live by these virtues, he would have to work very hard. So he made himself a schedule and practiced one virtue a week. He graded himself at the end of the week, and after 13 weeks he started over again. At first, he did not earn very high grades, but with practice, he got better. Benjamin Franklin was not always able to meet the high standards he set for himself. However, we can admire his attempts, and we can follow his example. Everyone has room for betterment. Consider making your own list of virtues that you want to live by. The main purpose of the third paragraph is to: * 5 puntos give examples of some of Franklin’s top virtues explain how Franklin graded how well he followed each virtue show that Franklin was not a very virtuous person give details about Franklin’s performance in school Which is NOT true about Franklin’s attempt to master his virtues? * 5 puntos He gave himself a grade at the end of the week. His schedule started over again every 13 weeks. His grades improved over time. He practiced 13 virtues every week. How do we know about the virtues Franklin wanted to live by? * 5 puntos He described them in letters to his brother. He wrote about them in his autobiography. His son published them in his newspaper. A newspaper wrote about Franklin’s moral character. What can be inferred about Franklin from the virtues he chose to practice? * 5 puntos He valued direct conversation over writing. He sometimes consumed too much food and drink. He valued fairness above all other qualities. He did not think he needed to change very much.

laingenia: Franklin's Virtues
Benjamin Franklin is regarded as an important historical figure. His hard work and character played a major role in his success. But his moral values may have been a contributing factor as well. We have a good idea of what principles guided Franklin during his lifetime. In his autobiography, he wrote about the virtues he wanted to live by.
laingenia: At the very top of his list, Franklin put the virtue of showing restraint with food and drink, which he felt affected the senses when taken in excess. Second, Franklin valued the virtue of silence. He wanted to avoid unimportant conversation and only speak when he had something useful to say.
laingenia: Order was the third virtue on the list, as Franklin thought everything should have its own time and place. Fourth, Franklin listed the virtue of determination. When he set out to do something, he thought he should always complete it. There were 13 virtues in all. For the most part, they promote personal development and emphasize self-discipline in all matters.
laingenia: Franklin knew that in order to live by these virtues, he would have to work very hard. So he made himself a schedule and practiced one virtue a week. He graded himself at the end of the week, and after 13 weeks he started over again. At first, he did not earn very high grades, but with practice, he got better.
laingenia: Benjamin Franklin was not always able to meet the high standards he set for himself. However, we can admire his attempts, and we can follow his example. Everyone has room for betterment. Consider making your own list of virtues that you want to live by.
laingenia: The main purpose of the third paragraph is to: *
5 puntos
give examples of some of Franklin’s top virtues
explain how Franklin graded how well he followed each virtue
show that Franklin was not a very virtuous person
give details about Franklin’s performance in school
laingenia: Which is NOT true about Franklin’s attempt to master his virtues? *
5 puntos
He gave himself a grade at the end of the week.
His schedule started over again every 13 weeks.
His grades improved over time.
He practiced 13 virtues every week.
laingenia: How do we know about the virtues Franklin wanted to live by? *
5 puntos
He described them in letters to his brother.
He wrote about them in his autobiography.
His son published them in his newspaper.
A newspaper wrote about Franklin’s moral character.
laingenia: What can be inferred about Franklin from the virtues he chose to practice? *
5 puntos
He valued direct conversation over writing.
He sometimes consumed too much food and drink.
He valued fairness above all other qualities.
He did not think he needed to change very much.


Respuesta dada por: fransisca20


Las virtudes de Franklin Benjamin Franklin es considerado como una figura histórica importante.


Franklin Benjamin Franklin es el famoso experimento de la tormenta, con el que demostró la naturaleza eléctrica de los rayos, Benjamín Franklin también hizo otras aportaciones a las ciencias atmosféricas, como la primera cartografía de la Corriente del Golfo, o la relación entre los volcanes y el clima.

Editor y periodista de éxito, protagonista de la revolución norteamericana de 1776, Franklin se hizo famoso por inventos como el pararrayos, que mejoraron la vida de sus contemporáneos


Ranklin Benjamin Franklin is the famous storm experiment, with which he demonstrated the electrical nature of lightning, Benjamin Franklin also made other contributions to atmospheric sciences, such as the first mapping of the Gulf Stream, or the relationship between volcanoes and the weather.

Editor and successful journalist, protagonist of the American revolution of 1776, Franklin became famous for inventions such as the lightning rod, which improved the lives of his contemporaries

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