• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samuelpacheco
  • hace 7 años

Write the meaning of the following idioms: To be worlds apart • To have the knack • To do it for kicks • For one thing • To facebook • Go for it ayuda plisssss


Respuesta dada por: anonymus1344


To be worlds apart

Meaning: to be completely opposed or different

Example: They are worlds apart in their political views.

To have the knack

Meaning: to be exceptionally proficient at (doing) something

Example: David just has a knack for getting under my skin

To do it for kicks

Meaning: Doing something just for fun or thrills

Example: Julian only plays X-box for kicks

For one thing

Meaning: as one example or reason (out of several potential ones)

Example: Oliver did what he did for one thing that only he knows

Go for it

Meaning: to put forth the necessary effort or energy to do or pursue something, especially in the face of any doubt or trepidation. Often used as words of encouragement.

Example: I knew I wouldn't win the marathon, but I still went for it with everything I had.

Respuesta dada por: laurag20009
Al de arriba le quedo bien, dale coronita
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