• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bekiandrade
  • hace 7 años

Complete the setences with the correct form of the verb that is in parenthes a) last night we _______ (walk) to the cinema b) my father_______ (go) to work by car yesterday. C) this morning l ________ (have) a shower.d) the birds ________ (fly)over our heads e) las week my family_______ buy) a new table for the dinning room. F) the other day.I_________lose) my math's book. G) I_________ (tell)my mother a lie


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


hola, intentare ayudarte.

1- Walked

2- Went

3- haved

4- flew

5- Bought

6- losed

7- told

Espero habertelo dicho bien, mucha suerte.

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