• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angievillamizar880
  • hace 7 años

B. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in parentheses.
A: Hi, Tony. Is that paint?
B: Yes, 1 (1)
(make) a few changes to the house this week.
A: Nice. So, you (2)
(not work), then...
B: No... Well, I (3)
(work) on the house.
A: Right.(4)
(the kids / help you?
B: They (5)
(usually / help) me, yes. But they (6)
with my parents this week. So, they aren't here.
A: That's nice. (7)
(they / often / stay with your parents?
B: No, we (8)
(usually / take) them to Paula's brother and they
(spend) time with their cousins.
A: Where (10)
(he/ live)?
B: He (11)
(live) in Orlando. The kids (12)
(love) it there.
2. A: What (13)
(you / do)?
(write) a letter to my parents. I (15)
(want) to tell
B:1 (14)
them all my news.
A: You (16)
(send) e-mails to all your friends. Why don't you send one to your parents?
B: Because they (17)
(not have a computer.


Respuesta dada por: meliguga


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