• Asignatura: Biología
  • Autor: lais1128
  • hace 7 años

What is the problem of garbage in Peru. please don't copy from gogle I give 15 points

paredesnicolas890: sorry
paredesnicolas890: Answer:

According to the Ministry of the Environment, 18,500 tons of garbage are generated daily in Peru. Half of this amount is produced in Lima and Callao.

Step by step explanation:

But it is not one of the problems generated by accumulated garbage, but also the diseases that can be contracted by being affected by this waste.

I hope it helps you
paredesnicolas890: I was wrong, I forgot it was in English, but I copied my answer in English.


Respuesta dada por: niapinedoruiz09



Plastic waste is reaching alarming levels. 1 out of every 10 kilos of trash generated by Peruvians is plastic. According to the Ministry of Environment, 46% of the waste on Peruvian beaches is from this harmful material that can take up to 400 years to biodegrade.

Respuesta dada por: paredesnicolas890


Según el Ministerio del Ambiente, diariamente en el Perú se genera 18 mil 500 toneladas de basura. La mitad de esta cantidad se produce en Lima y Callao.

Explicación paso a paso:

Pero no es uno de los problemas generados por la basura acumulada, sino también las enfermedades que se pueden contraer al estar expuestos a estos desechos.

espero te sirva.

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