Un articulo de 200 palabras ,de como afecto la pandemia en el turismo aqui en el Ecuador ,en ingles x favor
Normalmente están repletos de personas, pero la aparición del nuevo coronavirus está cambiando el paisaje de algunos lugares turísticos en todo el mundo.
Las siguientes son imágenes satelitales de lugares que suelen estar repletos de personas pero ahora muestran cómo el coronavirus está teniendo un impacto en los viajes y el turismo.
Cómo el coronavirus se volvió parte de la "guerra" política entre Estados Unidos y China
El colapso en la economía china por el coronavirus (y por qué es una "gran amenaza" para el mundo)
En Vermont, Estados Unidos, los estacionamientos están vacíos porque quienes suelen ir a practicar esquí se han mantenido alejados de las pistas.
Se han prohibido las reuniones de 50 o más personas en el estado, los bares están cerrados y los restaurantes acotaron los servicios de comida solo para llevar o de entrega a domicilio hasta el 6 de abril.Los autos de alquiler claramente no están en demanda en el aeropuerto de Phoenix, Estados Unidos como muestran las imágenes satelitales de Maxar Technologies en las que se puede ver estacionamientos de vehículos repletos, en comparación con los primeros días de marzo.
The world has stopped in an uncertain present that from now on will be almost impossible not to analyze: COVID-19 and its social, economic and cultural effects. Without neglecting other industries, the current crisis in the tourism sector is difficult to estimate. According to data from the Central Bank of Ecuador, during the first quarter of 2019, nearly 965 million dollars entered the country for tourism, which represented 1.8% of GDP. Due to the events that occurred in October 2019, there was a significant drop, and adding what we are currently experiencing, we could deduce that this industry is the most affected today.
It is a fact that the tourism sector will require greater protection to start its recovery for the future, so that the most affected countries can mitigate the effects of a possible long-term economic recession. The World Tourism Organization indicated that growth for 2020 will have 3 negative percentage points compared to 2019. If we try to visualize post-pandemic scenarios, it will depend on two very important factors: psychological and socioeconomic, in order to resurface from this crisis that will leave footprints in companies, governments and even homes. The questions that we could already ask ourselves are: will there be price control? Will there be new air regulations? Will we go from mass tourism to a more individualistic one?
In a cloud that today guides us to live one day at a time, fear will decrease as it has happened in wars like the Gulf, terrorist attacks, among others, but this situation that we are experiencing now will take a little longer to normalize, since that no one is sure when the perception of risk will end. The key to managing this crisis is being able to manage that perception, and communication tools will be a key factor in motivating travelers to move to destinations that offer them more confidence, developing new comprehensive planning perspectives in which the Government and the company they must work hand in hand, in order to reactivate one of the most important productive sectors in the world