• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maryory1127
  • hace 7 años

1. People usually cut them in slices. They are long and usually yellow or orange.
2. Paisa people eat it every day in the breakfast.
3. Thin, tube-like case containing meat that has been cut into very small pieces
and mixed with spices.
4. Rind Small, and delicious hard pieces of fried pork skin.
6. Small white seeds that are servered with all lunches.
7. Small seed which is eaten as a vegetable in brown soups accompany with rice.
5. A tropical fruit with thick, green, or purple skin, a large, round seed,
and green flesh that can be eaten.
8. Delicious meat servered as powder.
9. It is white and yellow, some people like them to be prepare scrambled.
Tu respuesta aquí​


Respuesta dada por: mabermudezc2020


1.creo que es pan (bread)

3. pencil case  (creo)

4. Bacon (creo)

Espero te sirvan estas escasas rspuestas porque  tengo ms tareas khe hacr y vine aqui a ashudarte dejando mi estudio a un lado


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