• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sepulvedaleonela2002
  • hace 7 años

me pueden ayudar por favor! si no saben no contesten porque sinceramente necesito ayuda.



Respuesta dada por: 2trucks


3.- What are you cooking?

4.- Jack plays the piano very well

5.- I'm going now Goodbye!

6.- It's raining, can I take this umbrella?

7.- I don't watch TV very much

8.- Excuse me we are looking for the museum

9.- What's this word? how do you pronounce it?

1) I´m shorter than my sister.

2) Rock music is better than rap. (facts tbh u_U)

3) London is bigger than Buenos Aires.

4) My dog Fido is more intelligent than my cat. He always understands my orders!

5) Do you think Kylie is prettier than Britney?

6) 1. This is the busiest supermarket in town!

7) 2. Paul is the younger student in our classroom.

8) 3. Disney World is the best place to go on holiday!

9) 4. My best friend Leo is the funniest person I know!

10) 5. Let’s buy that ball. It’s the cheapest ball in the shop.

11) 6. Jack is the worse singer in the world. Ha-ha!

1) She is the most beautiful actress in the world

2) I'm taller than  my brother

3) is your sister older than you? (may not be correct)

4) Who is the most intelligent person on your class?

5) are my parents richier than yours? (again, may be wrong)

6) How much is the cheapest computer in the shop?

sepulvedaleonela2002: muchísimas gracias por tu ayuda!! la verdad que muy buena respuesta.
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