• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: causitauwu11
  • hace 7 años

Grammar: Nice __________ meet you.
1 punto
A) you
B) to
C) from
PREGUNTA N° 07: Choose the correct option: Wow! That’ ____________ interesting.
1 punto
A) s
B) re
C) m
PREGUNTA N° 08: Choose the correct option: What’s ____________ job?
1 punto
A) my
B) her
C) your
PREGUNTA N° 09: Choose the correct sentence.
1 punto
A) How nationality is Alan?
B) Where nationality is Alan?
C) What´s nationality is Alan?
D) What nationality is Alan?
PREGUNTA N° 10: Which one is incorrect?
1 punto
A) He´s from Seoul, in Korea
B) She´s from Paris, in France
C) Her is from Barcelona, in Spain
D) His full name is Lupe Tapia Ochoa
Ayudenmeeee es para mi examen

josekancha: Eresdel saco?
josekancha: Y quieres que ye ayuden a resolver el balotario?


Respuesta dada por: haroltsala

Respuesta: nice to meet you

Wow! that´s interesting

What´s nationality is alan?

her is from barcelona, in spain


TuMaestroDarietz: esta bien???
TuMaestroDarietz: Si esta bien amigos :)
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